07 August 2012

Christ is All

St. Tikhon of Zadonsk on how Christ reveals Himself as being all in the heart of man:

"Do you desire good for yourself?
Every good is in Me.

Do you desire blessedness?
Every blessedness is in Me.

Do you desire beauty?
What is more beautiful than Me?

Do you desire nobleness?
What is more noble than the Son of God and the Holy Virgin?

Do you desire height?
What is higher than the Kingdom of Heaven?

Do you desire riches?
In Me are all riches.

Do you desire wisdom?
I am the Wisdom of God.

Do you desire friendship?
Who is a kinder friend than I Who lay down My life for all?

Do you desire help?
 Who can help except Me?

Do you seek joy?
 Who will rejoice outside of Me?

Do you seek comfort in misery?
 Who will comfort you outside of Me?

Do you seek peace?
I am the peace of the soul.

Do you seek life?
In Me is the source of life.

Do you seek light?
'I am the Light of the world'" (St. John 8:12).

St. Tikhon of Zadonsk along with Elder Ambrose of Optina was Dostoevsky's inspiration for Elder Zosima in The Brothers Karamazov.

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